I am now a married woman! The weather was PERFECT - cloudy in the morning for pictures and bright & sunny for the ceremony! I believe leaves were falling at the appropriate times and the pastor told me later that I had a giant daddy-long-leg crawling up my dress! Oh, how we love nature! :-)
I just wanted to post a few of my favorite photos recapping the wonderful day that we had! All of our photos can be viewed on Sara's website:
sara-jayne.com and if you email me at
rstork@gmail.com I will give you the client login password
. (Let me know who you are because I'm not about to show all these photos to people who don't introduce themselves!) :-) Sara-Jayne Photography also has a page on Facebook which has about 100 of our photos posted on there.

A red barn is very appropriate when one has a wedding in Iowa.

What I saw for the first time when I started walking down the aisle with my parents. It took all of my willpower to keep myself from crying. So powerful.

Our ceremony site. No fancy decorations, we just let Mother Nature be her beautiful self, and she definitely shined for us that day!

Our tree-planting ceremony. After the ceremony we planted a strong White Pine near the church. This gift represents the growth of our love and symbolizes that marriage - like a tree - requires constant nurturing and nourishment.

My amazing California cousins finding where they wrote their names in my parents' guestbook on Aug. 2, 1980. I used the handmade wooden guestbook my grandfather made for my mother for her wedding and added our own pages to the front.

The newlyweds walking to the reception. I love this photo because it reminds me of photos I've seen of my parents' wedding.

Our table arrangements: Flowers from my mother's garden in canning jars; Brown paper bag table runners with clearance ribbon; hand-me-down votive candles from Craig's List; thrift store wine glasses with handmade charms.

The wedding party as the celebration continues!

And the glorious German Hausbarn! This site made our wedding so spectacular, I cannot thank LeRoy & Freda and the Hausbarn staff enough for all of their help and support!